Skeleton Talk
Written and recorded September 2016.
September, 2016 was the final month of the Bethlehem, NH location of my studio, Tiny Village Music. When I moved to the White Mountains with my wife I didn't set out to start my own business. In fact, I was very reluctant when we seriously started to consider the possibility. Eventually I did and I settled into it rather quickly. That little space on 22 Park Street was home. Up until that point, home to me was a spare bedroom with a couple of guitars and synthesizers. Given the room to really spread out, I began to relax. The walls became populated with action figures and oddities I'd collected over the years. Corners were stacked with sheet music and spare gear.
By the end of my two years in Bethlehem, it looked like I'd been there for twenty. It felt like it too. So when my wife and I decided to explore the country in a Winnebago, I was ready to leave New Hampshire. But I wasn't ready to leave that studio. I told the landlord of our plans, I wrote a letter to my students, and I watched the clock count down. Packing boxes between lessons quickly became overwhelming and I needed a distraction. So I decided to record some songs.
These songs aren't really about that last month at Tiny Village Music, but they exist because of that last month at Tiny Village Music. I already miss that studio. But I'm in Iowa now and in a few weeks I'll be in Arizona. There will be plenty of places to miss by the end of this adventure.
Ross Malcolm Boyd
October 31st, 2016
Ross Malcolm Boyd
Ross Malcolm Boyd
Ross Malcolm Boyd
Ross Malcolm Boyd
Ross Malcolm Boyd